Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Month: September 2023

Set Field Error Notification using JavaScript by checking related parent entity record info in Dataverse Model driven app power apps

Sometimes you need to show error against form fields if some field value of parent record not met the required value. You can use below script and modify for your project. Hope this helps.

Retrieve Environment Variable’s ‘Current’ and ‘Default’ value using C# code in Dataverse

You can use environment variables to store temporary configurable values for a specific environment but if you want to read using C# code you can use the below code.

Auto Refresh Access Token with Web API request to Dataverse/ Dynamics CRM Web API C#

Auto Refresh Access Token with Web API request to Dataverse/ Dynamics CRM Web API C# . Read more in this article. hope this helps.

Open quick create from on command button click model driven power apps code

to open quick create form on command button click use below code. watch video here. Open quick create form on command button click JS power apps hope it helps.

ER Diagram – Health Care Project (Medical Domain)

Here is a ER Diagram for the typical Health Care Project.