Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Category: CDS

System Jobs in Dataverse/ Dynamics 365 Status Information

Here is a list of status information you can refer for better understanding System Jobs. In Dynamics 365, a system job refers to background processes or tasks that are executed by the system to perform various operations within the application. These jobs are typically initiated by the system itself or by users through configurations such…
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An error occurred when processing the security tokens in the message:You are using Ws-Tust authentication which has been deprecated and no longer supported in your environment. Please use oAuth2.0 authentication in Dynamics 365 / CDS – Console App

If you are facing error while connecting Dynamics 365 from Console Application then use OAuth to connect using below code. update your code as per below.

Working with Entities in CDS

Introduction to CDS Common Data Service provides us to securely store and manage data that’s used by business applications such as Dynamics 365, Power Apps, Power BI, Power Automate and other business applications.  It is a platform that allows users to quickly integrate programs, build new custom applications, and create automated workflows. Data within Common…
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