Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Tag: client scripts

Retrieve, Create, Update, Delete data Client side using XRM Web API and FetchXML in Dynamics 365

The XRM WebAPI is a great way to achieve CRUD operation from client side scripts. Below are the code snippets to explain how we use it. Retrieve Single Record Retrieve Multiple Record Create Record Update Record Delete Record Thanks for reading.

How to Read Dynamics 365 CRM Data in Javascript using Web API with FetchXML

In the below code snippet we can read account records whose name starts with “M” and show all names in alert.

Most Used FetchXML Queries in Dynamics 365 CRM

FetchXML is a XML based query language used in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM to fetch data. FetchXML is capable of doing many things as explained below. Can only be used to retrieve data not able to perform CUD (Create/Update/Delete) operation. Can be used in JavaScript to retrieve data in client side also used in server…
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101 Most Used Dynamics 365 CRM codes

Here is a list of most used code snippet used in Dynamics 365 CRM.Remember to add required namespace whenever required while inserting code. Keep the CRM SDK folder ready to take the reference of the assemblies for below namespace. Most frequently used namespaces are given below, [code lang=”php”] using System; using System.Configuration; using System.ServiceModel; //…
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Pass parameters to HTML Web resource

HTML web resource page can only accept a single custom parameter called data. To pass more than one value in the data parameter, you need to encode the parameters and decode the parameters in our page. The example can be found in the SDK folder that can be downloaded freely. The path is sdk\samplecode\js\webresources\showdataparams.htm First we have…
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How to Open Entity or View using URL

We can use URLs to open specific entities and views whenever we requires in our custom applications. The below are the scenarios to open entity forms and views using URLs. NOTE : Use Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm when you open entity forms programmatically within the application by using web resources. Do not use the application, where pages do not have access…
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How to Open Report by using URL

Reports can be viewed by using Dynamics 365 report viewer. But sometimes we need to open a specific report from other applications referring to the report server reports or Dynamics 365 reports. SO for this scenario we can open report using the below methods. We can open a report by passing appropriate parameter values to…
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