Project Service Automation in Dynamics 365 CE

The Project Service Automation (PSA) module helps organizations efficiently track, manage, and deliver project-based services, from the initial sale all the way to invoicing. Project managers rely on software applications to track and manage the delivery of projects. Typically, the first step after finalizing the project charter is to build the work breakdown structure. The popular tools for this is Microsoft Project which allows you to build your work breakdown structure into a project plan where you can assign dependencies, resources, durations, and dates. While it is a very powerful tool, Dynamics 365 PSA (Project Service Automation) offers a more robust end-end solution that also links the sales team to the delivery team. The module enables you to:
- Plan projects, Create estimates, work schedules
- Estimate and track project cost and revenue
- Forecast resource requirements for projects in the pipeline
- Track project progress and cost consumption
- Manage quoting, pricing, and billing for projects
- Assign and manage resources
- Use reports and interactive dashboards to monitor key performance indicators for successful projects