Editable Grids in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement
For Bulk Field Inline updates Dynamics 365 provides a very flexible way called as “Editable Grid Control”.
Lets say, An User wants to update two fields (Email and Address) of 20 Leads record then how to achieve the task? User opening every record to update those fields for all 20 records is very time consuming and tidius job. So for this scenario Editable grids are the solution to edit inline while the grid is visible.
Lets do this configuration.
First Go to Advanced Settings –> Customizations -> Customize System
Now from the popup screen selct Lead entity and select Control TAB.
Now click on Add Control link and Select Editable Grid from the list and click Add.
Once you click Add some more options are enabled for Editable Grid control like Add Lookup, Nested Grid view, Group By Column etc. keep the default things.
Now Check the Web radio button for the Editable Grid view and then Click on Save and Publish.
Once you publish we can test by navigating Lead screen and opening an exisiting Lead record. You can now edit inline all records at a time on a single view.
Bonus Info : Now you can see an Event Tab enabled which we will discuss in next article. We can attach scripts for Editable gridview field change.
Thank you for reading this article.