Working with Day, Month, Year, Hour, Minute, Second, and Weekday functions in Power App

We can use PowerFX to use the day, month, year, hour, minute, second and weekday concepts in our Power Apps. Lets see in details.
Day PowerFX
Day PowerFX returns the day component of the current time and date. Syntax : Day(Now()). This will give you the current date part. If the date is 12/21/2021 then the result will be 21.

Month PowerFX
Month PowerFX returns the month component of the current time and date. Syntax : Month(Now()). This will give you the current month part. If the date is 12/21/2021 then the result will be 12.

Year PowerFX
Year PowerFX returns the Year component of the current time and date. Syntax : Year(Now()). This will give you the current year part. If the date is 12/21/2021 then the result will be 2021.

Hour PowerFX
Hour PowerFX returns the hour component of the current time and date. Syntax : Hour(Now()). This will give you the current year part. If the date is 12/21/2021 6:43 PM then the result will be 18.

Minute PowerFX
Minute PowerFX returns the Minute component of the current time and date. Syntax : Minute(Now()). This will give you the current year part. If the date is 12/21/2021 6:46 PM then the result will be 46.

Second PowerFX
Second PowerFX returns the Second component of the current time and date. Syntax : Second(Now()). This will give you the current year part. If the date is 12/21/2021 6:46 PM and timing 32 then the result will be 32.

Weekday PowerFX
Weekday PowerFX returns the weekday component of the current time and date. If the date is 12/21/2021 then the result will be 3.

if you want to mention the start of the week then the result will change as below: if date is If the date is 12/21/2021 Tuesday. then Weekday(Now(), StartOfWeek.Monday) will return 2.

Hope this helps.
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