Web Template v/s Page Template v/s Web Page in Power Portal

In Power Portal, Web pages are the final page that renders on browser but the web page construction depends on Page template and web template.
Let us understand the relation between these three components.

Web Template
In Power Portal, web templates are the top-tier content records. They can work with HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery and Liquid code (server-side code) that you provide. Once you’ve saved your web template, it’ll run through your code and output the contents to all of the web pages that are linked to it. You can think of Web templates as Master pages and define common content that can inherit by web pages.
Web Templates are components inside power portal. You can write html, css, js, jquery and liquid on web template. sample code given below.
{% extends 'Layout 2 Column Wide Left' %}
{% block main %}
{% include 'Page Copy' %}
{% if page.adx_entitylist %}
{% include 'entity_list' key: page.adx_entitylist.id %}
{% endif %}
{% if page.adx_entityform %}
{% entityform id: page.adx_entityform.id %}
{% endif %}
{% if page.adx_webform %}
{% webform id: page.adx_webform.id %}
{% endif %}
<div class="page-metadata clearfix">
{% editable snippets "Social Share Widget Code Page Bottom" type: 'text' %}
{% endblock %}
{% block aside %}
{% include "Weblink List Group" weblink_set_name: "Secondary Navigation" showdescriptions: true %}
{% include "poll" poll_placement_name: "Sidebar" %}
{% include "ad" ad_placement_name: "Sidebar Bottom" %}
{% endblock %}

Page Template
Page templates are the indicators. Page template indicates whether a web page will render a web template or it will load an external web page hosted in other domains.
Web template connected page template given below.

External Web Page template given below.

Web Page
Web pages represent a URL in the portal and is a core entity in the content management system. They sit within their own hierarchy and can have parent and child pages. A web page can connect to a page template.
Multiple web pages may contain same page template. Multiple page template may contain same web template.
It depends on you that a web page contains a web template or external webpage decided by page template.

Hope this helps
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