Update multi-entity lookup using Patch function in Canvas APP with Dataverse

If you are looking for complete article how to perform CRUD operation for polymorphic lookup field value then read this article HERE.
You can also use Patch function to send data from canvas app to Dataverse using Patch function from a FORM.
use below powerfx. You can use a toggle button to decide what type you want to send in Patch function. here customer is the polymorphic lookup.
Name: DataCardValue10.Text,
'Interest Rate': Value(DataCardValue14.Text),
Amount: Value(DataCardValue13.Text),
'Tenure in Month': Value(DataCardValue15.Text),
'Loan Type': DataCardValue11.Selected.Value,
Customer: If(Toggle1.Value = true,LookUp(Contacts,'Full Name'=Dropdown1.Selected.Result) ,LookUp(Accounts,'Account Name'=Dropdown1.Selected.Result))
Notify("Record Created", Success);
Hope this helps.
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