[Solved] File is in locked state SharePoint while working with power Automate

When you are working with File operation in SharePoint using Power Automate, you might get the FILE LOCK ERRORS. here I explained how to resolve.
The below error you may get while moving file, deleting file etc.

The resolution for this is to implement loop to check if the lock on the file is removed. If removed do the step. In the below screenshot you can see the Move File step executed successfully on 59 iteration. All other iteration throws error as it was locked and after 6 minute the lock was removed automatically by SharePoint and our step run successfully. Watch the video below to learn more details on this.

STEP 1 – Use Trigger and Get records.

STEP 2 – Initialize variable and add Do Until loop

STEP 3 – Add move file step, Parse json and set variable conditionally.

Watch the full video how it is done here.
Hope this works.
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