How to get job after completing MCA, BTech, BE, MTech, BSc, +2, +3

I am writing this post to help many candidates out there, who are either persuing MCA, BTech or completed the degree and searching for jobs or trying to find out the job scope.
This question, How to get a job after MCA/BTech/MTech? is a very crucial question which comes by default to mind when we start thinking of career and jobs to settle. So this asrticle will help you to focus on some predefined proven steps that I followed and become successful as a MCA passout in 2010.
Take a cup of tea😊 and sit back. Relax. Read the below points step by step and follow it 100% and you will get a job after your academic 100%. I guarantee….
NOTE : If not getting job reach me for helping you get a job. Contact No : +91-8328865778, Email : Do not connect if you have not followed all steps 100%.
Step 1 : Complete your All Semesters Except Last Semester & focus on Present
Do not worry about job in early period of your academic or course. This will ruin your present focus and keep yourself out of focus from study. In all your semesters give 100% focus on study and try to get better percentage from that academic.

For example, If you are persuing MCA, then keep focus 100% on study and appear all exams in time without back papers and try to get at least 60% as minimum result. If you cant get 60% thats fine. But my point is focus your present and give your best to current study to get better result.
Remember : Higher percentage mark in your academic gets higher job opportunities. So getting higher percentage in Academic is VERY VERY IMPORTANT. My MCA percentage was 75% . Another important thing is about your matriculation (10th), Intermediate (+2)/ B.Sc. (+3) percentage. if you have avarage 60% in your career you are safer. But do not worry at his time as you cant change your old class marks, forget about past percentage. but the current course is now in your hand so put your 100% effort to make it much higher so that your avarage percentage will be at least more that 50%. But dont give focus on past, fcus on present mostly. Do not worry about job in this time.
Step 2 : Prepare for last Semester (First 3 months) Project with Programming Skill Training by Expert
This is high time to start thinking for self upskilling. As in last semester you need to submit project, I strongly recommend to join a Live Training program using any Web Development Program using any programming.
I strongly recommend join Microsoft .NET Programming which includes (HTML, CSS, JS,jQuery, Bootstrap, C#, ASP.NET & WEB API) as a package which is 60 Hours training. From this traning you learn practical project works plus submit project documents to college.

To join Microsoft dot net class contact me or you can join any other better institute of your choice but remember that the quality of training must be high otherwise the training is of no use.
For Microsoft Dot NET Full Package Training the cost is around Rs. 20k INR – 30k INR. Contact +91-8328865778 or Email for more details about upcoming batch.
Step 3 : Prepare for last Semester (Second 3 months) -Job Oriented Training
After completing DOT NET project live training and project submission in first 3 months of last semester, Now you must take a job oriented training in last 3 months of Last semester. In these days so many CRM, ERP with Data, Cloud technologies arein demand and you can join one you interested.

But this is my reommendation. Join a 70 Hours Live training on Microsoft Dynamics 365 & Power Platform Training from any institute which has expert trainers and better rating in Google Business. Also connect trainer personally instead of appraching a institute. When you connect to trainer directly you will get benefited as you can approach the trainer for any doubt in future after training completion also. but in institutes they do not allow this.
I am a Microsoft Certified Trainer in Dynamics 365 & Power Platform so you can connect me to start the training. For Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE & Power Platform Full Package Training the cost is around Rs. 40k INR – 50k INR in lower side. Contact +91-8328865778 or Email for more details about upcoming batch.
After completing the training from me take the Inteview Q/A guide free from me for interview preparation. keep preparing till you get a job.
Thats all. You are now ready to get JOB. Now How to Get JOB ??
Step 4 : Follow these steps to get job after completing above steps.
Follow these steps to get job quick.
1. Update Your Professional Profile : You must update your LinkedIn profile to look better and eye catching also mention all your skills, experiences, trainings etc in the Profile. Connect Me to take support to build your Professional LinkedIn Profile.
2. Grow your professional Network : Search people from linkedin who are in same technology and follow them and send them a request to be in their network. Connect Me to take support to build your network in Professional LinkedIn Profile.
3. Update your profile in Naukri.Com : Build your Job seeker profile in website where you can get job notification witht he techologies you applied for. Connect Me to take support to build naukri Profile.
4. Apply Jobs in Naukri and LinkedIn JOBS : Monitor daily job posts by companies in naukri portal and LinkedIn JOBS app. Apply jobs and be prepared to attend interviews.
5. Keep in touch with me : connect with me in my whatsapp number so that I will send job referrals as I am getting so many referrals from companies for trained freshers.
6. Enroll yourself in below portal to get quick job referrals. – This is an initiative by Softchief Learn to expedite the process of trained fresher hiring system so that freshers who got training in Dynamics 365 & power Platform by softchief learn (Trainer -Sanjay Prakash) they can get immidiate job calls.
You can also use the below QR Code to enroll yourself as a trained fresher for job referrals in Dynamics 365 CE & Power Platform.

Now after folowing all these above steps, I am 100% sure that you will get your desired job in some days after completing all the above steps. The important thing is to prepare for interview becuase if you get refferals and you cant crack interview because you not prepared for the interview well then its a problem. So keep prtacticing and preparing for interview regorusly till you get a job.
Step 5 : What to do after you got the job
After you get a job its not enough. You should keep yourself upskilled everyday to learn new things related to the same technology you got a job for.
How to upskill being on job ?
- Take timout to read BLOGS of community members on same network and technology.
- Watch VIDEOS free from community members
- Join FREE WEBINARS in same technology
- Attend Microsoft Free Events on technology seminars
- If possible wrie your own blog on different topics on same technology which upskills you day by day.
That all…… I am done. Now its upto you to decide.
Hope it helps a lot of freshers to get jobs. As per my experience, except your academic expense to make yourself job ready you will invest 70k INR and 5 months then you are ready for JOB directly.
NOTE: Some companies expect candiates who are having atleast 1 year internship in Live projects in companies. If candidates interested also after training They can join 1 year intership program to work on Live projects.
Reach ME for any career related queries or ob related queries:
Phone : +91 -8328865778 Email Website