Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Difference between Model Driven App and Canvas App

Difference between Model Driven App and Canvas App

Here is a list of diferences between Model Driven App and canvas App.

CategoryModel-driven appsCanvas apps
Data SourceDataverse onlyDataverse + many others diversified cloud and on-premise data sources using connectors
Design experienceNo-code component focused designManipulation of control properties using Power Fx expressions
UI controlLimited, predominantly customizationFull control
App consistencyHigh – differs predominantly based on the tables and views chosenOften low, given the significant control the designers have of the user experience
Migration between environmentsSimplePotentially complex given that the datasources may need to be updated
Speed of creationRapidRelative to the complexity of the design
ResponsiveAutomatically responsiveOnly responsive if designed in that way
Navigation through relationshipsAutomatic, provided relationships existOnly where designed and applied using Power Fx formulas
Hope this helps.

These are the info related to Model driven app v/s canvas app.