Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Author: Sanjaya Pradhan

Get Date Time value from datetime field in power portal/ power page using jQuery

If you want to get Date & Time field value and want to compare with current date so that you do not want to allow submitting back dated value then use below code in power portal/power page form. Now when user will submit with back dated appointment, then submit button will not work. If future…
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Trigger onchange event of DateTime field in power pages /power portal using JQuery

Handling change event in jQuery for Date Time fields is not straight forward like normal text fields. Use following method to handle onchange. Hope this helps.

Hide Form fields in Power Page/ Power Portal using jQuery/ JavaScript

Form fields are composite control so to hide a field on Power Pages Form, you need to use .parent jQuery function. Use the below code. In the below example We are hiding the Patient lookup row from form. Final Result. The patient lookup row is hidden. Hope this helps.

Display List Actions inline in each row instead of dropdown on Power page using CSS

Add the below Span tags in your action labels. Next add below CSS in web page.

Error in Power Pages on Registration, Login runtime errors

Sometimes you can get error as below in Power Pages. “Something went wrong” issue. To troubleshoot this issue, Disable Custom Error and check the exact error. Follow steps below. Step 1 – Open and select correct environment and select the power page and select 3 dots to open Admin Center. Step 2 – In…
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C# Code in Custom Connector for Power Apps or Power Automate

You can use C# code in a custom connector and which can be called as a connector from power apps or power automate. Follow these steps. Step 1 – Create a Custom connector with Name and Host Step 2 – Add No Security for this Step 3 – Add Definition Request Add Request option using…
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Power Automate (Who Can Access the Flow Permission) With Request HTTP Calls

Microsoft newly introduced a Security feature for Request trigger by using which you can secure the WEB API Calls in Power Automate with HTTP Calls. Follow below Steps. Step 1 – Configure a Flow with Request Trigger Step 2 – Use below JSON to generate Schema Step 3 – Add Send Email step and connect…
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Working with Do Until Loop in Power Automate with JSON and Array

In this example, you will come to know how to use Do until loop in Power Automate when you want to run LOOP for a specific condition met. Scenario: Need to Build a Flow which will get JSON response from a Third Party Web API request called as Currency Layer to get Live Exchange Rates…
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Get first row or single record column values from a List Row action without Loop in Power Automate using Dataverse

Problem Statement When you retrieve a record from Dataverse or any data source by using filter condition using List Rows, it returns the matching records from the table which you can use loop for further action steps in Power Automate. But sometimes when you have no primary key value with you and you want to…
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Using Filter Array, Loops, Variables and SetProperty Scenario in Power Automate

In this Post, you will see how you can use Array manipulation using Array Filters, Loops, Variables and SetProperty Scenario in Power Automate. Scenario: We have the below records in the table. There may be multiple records for a single doctor with patient count 1 for every row. The requirement is to send a consolidated…
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Automate BPF Stage Selection using Server Side Code Plugins with Related Entity Parent Child Scenario

In this Post, you will come to know how to Automatically Set the Active Stage and Move the stages automatically as per child record field update. Business Requirement There is a business use case, which tells that, there are two table Teacher (1) and Classes (N) . Every time a Teacher is created in the…
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List of Operators you can use in Power Automate condition

Here is a list of operators you can use in condition step in Power Automate. Hope it helps.

Working with Variables, Control Flow and Loops with Power Automate in Excel Sheet Data Source

If you want to know how to Work with Variables, Control Flow and Loops with Power Automate in Excel Sheet Data Source watch the below video. Hope this helps.

Pass parameters to Model driven app form from Custom Page in Power Apps

You can Pass parameters to Model driven app form from Custom Page in Power Apps. Watch the video below to learn more. Hope this helps.

Plugin Development Best Practices in Dynamics 365/ Dataverse/ Power Apps

While developing Plugins in Dynamics 365/Dataverse you have to follow some important Best Practices as explained by Microsoft. Here is a list of Best Practices. Hope this helps.

Set Current View in Subgrid

you can set a current view using JavaScript. use below code. The object type code for the SavedQuery (1039) or UserQuery (4230) that represents the view the user can select. Hope this helps.

[Resolved] Specified domain does not exist or cannot be contacted – Error in plugin while executing Batch ExecuteMultiple

When your plugin shows the below error you can find solution below. If Dynamics Online or Dataverse Online use this solution. Instead of using ExecuteMultiple, use Execute method. do not use batch processing. If Dynamics On-promise use this solution. Instead of using Isolation Mode as Isolation, use None as Isolation mode. do not use isolation.…
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Set Field Error Notification using JavaScript by checking related parent entity record info in Dataverse Model driven app power apps

Sometimes you need to show error against form fields if some field value of parent record not met the required value. You can use below script and modify for your project. Hope this helps.

Retrieve Environment Variable’s ‘Current’ and ‘Default’ value using C# code in Dataverse

You can use environment variables to store temporary configurable values for a specific environment but if you want to read using C# code you can use the below code.

Auto Refresh Access Token with Web API request to Dataverse/ Dynamics CRM Web API C#

Auto Refresh Access Token with Web API request to Dataverse/ Dynamics CRM Web API C# . Read more in this article. hope this helps.

Open quick create from on command button click model driven power apps code

to open quick create form on command button click use below code. watch video here. Open quick create form on command button click JS power apps hope it helps.

ER Diagram – Health Care Project (Medical Domain)

Here is a ER Diagram for the typical Health Care Project.

Form Validation to allow only Numbers or decimals in Power Pages Basic Form

To use form validation, to allow only numeric values in a field you can use Regular Expression in Form Metadata. Use below Regular Expression in Form Metadata. Now once you see live site you will see the result. Hope this helps.

Custom Workflow v/s Custom Action v/s Custom API Explanation

Custom Workflow v/s Custom Action v/s Custom API    Custom Workflow  Custom Action  Custom API  Private Scope  Not Applicable  No Support  Supported  API Type  Not Applicable  No Support – Always Action Supported – Function/Action  Code First Approach  Not Applicable  No Support  Supported  Data Types of parameters  More Data Types  Less Data Types  More Data Types  setup …
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How to Debug Async Plugins in Dataverse for Power Apps

In this topic you will come to know How to Debug Async Plugins in Dataverse for Power Apps,. Check the below article to know more details Thanks to Rajeev for the explanation. Hope this helps.