Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Category: canvas apps

Check field value numeric in Power Apps canvas apps

Sometimes we need to validate fields to match with a numeric only like Ages, No. of days etc. So for this scenarios we need to use some PowerFX to validate form fields. Let us see how we can achieve this. Take 3 controls on the canvas app. one Text Input and two text labels. One…
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Call third party webapi from plugin using secure/ unsecure configuration

Here is the code how to call third party web api.

65+ Power Apps interview Questions and answers

Here in this post I have compiled 65+ interview questions and answers for Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, Power Virtual Agents and many more on Power Platform. Check out the complete questions here: Explain about the Power platform echo-system? What are PowerApps and why do we use it? What is the difference between a…
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Update Dynamics 365 records in bulk from Canvas Apps Power Apps using with, ForAll and patch PowerFX function

PowerFX is a most Powerful way to use complex business logics in Canvas Apps Power Apps. When we combine multiple functions then the PowerFX gets more power. In this blog I will explain how we can combine 3 most powerful PowerFX to do complex tasks. Business Scenario: Lets Say I want to have a Button…
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How to implement Sorting and Searching in Gallery in Canvas Apps Power Apps in

In this post we will see how we can implement sorting feature in a gallery control connected to a data source for example dataverse. The below screenshot shows the gallery which is connected to Account Table. Here I want to implement Sorting feature. At the top right corner we have a sorting icon also a…
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Performance tuning in Canvas Apps Power Apps using Caching & Concurrent

Canvas App changed the way we design mobile applications. We can easily configure Canvas Apps by connecting multiple data sources in a minute. But in the configuration journey we have to keep the app performance point into consideration otherwise the app performance will be very slow. In this post I will discuss 2 important performance…
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Validate data using PowerFX function in canvas app

using Power Query we can export template and import data with template. Lets say I have a screen in canvas app and a text field to enter email id and a button to submit data. My requirement is whenever the email is valid email address then only enable Submit button. so how we can do…
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Format Currency Display in Canvas App Power Apps for different country

Currency field is used store monetary value in power Apps but when we display the currency field value in Power Apps some times we need to do formatting to display in correct way. In the below screenshot you can see in the canvas app I am displaying annual revenue but it does not display like…
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Create or Update records without using Forms in Canvas Apps using Patch function

When we build canvas apps in Power Apps, we add Galleries to display records from our data source and Forms to view, create, and edit individual records, but sometimes forms are not enough to achieve our business scenarios. For those scenarios, We use Power Apps functions for updating tabular data sources directly. Patch is used…
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Add check box in every row of gallery and use collection object to store selected record

lets say We have a canvas app and a gallery and we want to use some check box every row of the gallery so that we can do some bulk operation by selecting checkboxes and we will use a collection object to store the selected rows and un-selected rows. Add a gallery and associate the…
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Filter Gallery by Dropdown list in Canvas Apps Power Apps

In this blog we will see how we can filter gallery control by connecting Dataverse/ Dynamics 365 tables using Dropdown list control. Also we will see how we can connect the dropdown with Choice field of Dataverse table. Lets start. Step:1 – Create a Canvas App Add Gallery, Dropdown, Connect Table Login to and…
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How to create Transparent objects on canvas apps

Canvas app provides a lot of feature by which we can design elegant application for our business. One of the application UI design is to create some semi -transparent objects like circles, rectangles etc. on screen of canvas app. So let us see how we can design this. Step 1 – Open canvas app and…
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Set focus on a control of a canvas app screen when the screen loads

This is a very common requirement of customers and its quite obvious that the system should automatically focus on first control so that without clicking on the control we can start typing the value directly. Microsoft Power Apps Canvas provides a PowerFX by using which we can achieve this functionality. Let us see how we…
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How to use Components in Canvas Apps Power Apps – Re-usable components

Components are reusable building blocks for canvas apps so that app makers can create custom controls to use inside an app, or across apps using a component library. Components can use advanced features such as custom properties and enable complex capabilities. This article introduces component concepts and some examples. Read the Microsoft article here. Watch…
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Lookup Field update in Edit Form, Display Form, Gallery using Canvas Apps

When we are working with Canvas Apps we Create, Updated, Retrieve and Delete records for Dataverse or Dynamics 365 tables using Gallery, Forms and other UI components of Canvas Apps. Working with simple Data Type fields is ok but when it is a matter of Look Up Field its not straight forward so we need…
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Use IDEAS in Power Apps to query data using a natural query language (NQL) with machine learning capability

Microsoft Power Apps Canvas App now supports IDEAS by using which we can use a general natural query language to fetch data from tables such as instead of adding a Data Source we can directly use ideas which pull data. Let us see how we can use IDEAS in Canvas Apps. Login to Power Apps…
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Working with HTML Text Controls inside Power Apps in Canvas Apps

Placing text controls to display or input texts is ok. But when you are ready to use HTML Text control then you have more power to use HTML tags with the text as per your choice. Let us see how we can add this HTML Text in Canvas Apps. Login to Power Apps and create…
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How to Send Email with Attachments using Gmail Connector from Canvas Apps | Power Apps

Canvas Apps Power Apps is a powerful no-code less-code platform to develop applications for enterprises targeting mobile and TAB devices. The Power FX is used as a less-code to make the Canvas App more dynamics. If you want to read and watch all canvas app related videos you can check out my YouTube channel here.…
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Restore old version of your Canvas app for users so that you can fix issues in current version

Microsoft canvas Apps are awesome to design no-code apps for real world. in the course of application design we save our app in different versions. When we save canvas apps it asks whether you want to override old version or not. When we save a Canvas App it actually not published for live for users…
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