Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Category: dataverse

Managed Environments in Dataverse: A Comprehensive Guide

Managed Environments is a feature within Microsoft Dataverse designed to enhance governance, simplify monitoring, and promote responsible resource usage in Power Platform environments. By enabling Managed Environments, administrators can gain better visibility, apply advanced security measures, and streamline compliance efforts. This article will explore what Managed Environments are, their features, use cases, and how to…
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Create & Import Data From SharePoint List to Dataverse Table usign AI in 2 Minutes

you can Create & Import Data From SharePoint List to Dataverse Table usign AI in 2 Minutes Watch the full video here. Hope it helps.

How to restore Deleted Records from Dataverse using Recycle Bin Feature

If by mistakenly you deleted some records from Dataverse, its very difficult to restore if realtime back up is not in place. Microsoft introduced a feature called Recycle Bin, which gives a flexibility to hold deleted records from dataverse max 30 days and users can restore all deleted or selected records into Dataverse. Watch the…
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How to get label of choice field in Dataverse Plugin

When working with Dataverse, you may need to retrieve the label of a choice column in a plugin instead of the underlying integer value. The labels provide more meaningful information to end-users than the integer values. In this post, I’ll walk you through how to achieve this in a Dataverse plugin. What is a Choice…
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How to Use the Configuration Migration Tool in Dataverse: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Configuration Migration Tool in Dataverse (previously known as Dynamics 365 CE) is an essential utility for exporting and importing configuration data. It’s highly useful for moving data such as metadata, customizations, and configurations between environments. Here’s how to use it effectively: You can watch the video or scroll down to read the article. Step…
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[Solution]You can’t use Now(), which is of type DateTime, with the current function in calculated column dataverse

You may get ths error if you use NOW() function in Calculated Column Formula as per below screenshot. Root Cause In Dataverse, when creating a calculated column, you cannot directly use Now() (which is a DateTime function) Solution Instead of using Calculated Column use a Formula Column as per below screenshot. Now it will work…
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20 Most commonly used JavaScript Scenarios with Sample code Snippet in Form Script Dataverse/ Dynamics 365 CE

JavaScript is a powerful tool when working with Dataverse (formerly known as Common Data Service) and Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (CE). It allows developers to create custom functionalities, validate data, and enhance user interactions. Below, we’ll explore some of the most commonly used JavaScript scenarios with sample code snippets to help you get started. For…
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Async Save Feature+ Xrm.WebAPI+ Prevent Save – Conditionally restrict save for xrm webapi retrievemultiple call on save event Dataverse/ Dynamics 365

In this blog post, we’ll walk through an asynchronous JavaScript function restrictAppointments_OnSave_Async with Xrm.WebAPI.ReatrieveMultipleRecord that accomplishes this by restricting the number of appointments a patient can have with the same doctor on the same day in a Dynamics 365 environment. Problem Statement The goal is to prevent a patient from booking more than two appointments…
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Elastic Table in Dataverse Power Apps – Understanding

In today’s dynamic business environment, the ability to adapt quickly to changing data requirements is crucial for building robust applications. Dataverse for Power Apps offers a powerful solution for creating flexible data models through the concept of elastic tables. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the elastic table concept in Dataverse and provide sample code…
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Decrement field value automatically using workflow in dataverse or dynamics 365

In Dataverse (formerly known as Common Data Service) or Dynamics 365, you can decrement a field value automatically using workflows. Here’s a general outline of how you can achieve this using a workflow: Here’s a more detailed step: This operator selection can be extended to use Decrement By, Increment By, Set TO and Multiply by…
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HTML Web Resource – Add on Form as control and pass data from Form to HTML and back to Form

Here you will come to how to Add HTML web resource on Form as control and pass data from Form to HTML and back to Form. Step 1 : Create a HTML Web resource and add the web resource on Form use below code for HTMl Web resource Step 2 : Call form load script…
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System Jobs in Dataverse/ Dynamics 365 Status Information

Here is a list of status information you can refer for better understanding System Jobs. In Dynamics 365, a system job refers to background processes or tasks that are executed by the system to perform various operations within the application. These jobs are typically initiated by the system itself or by users through configurations such…
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Understanding Scope in Business Rule in Dynamics 365 or Dataverse

In Dynamics 365/ Dataverse, business rules are used to apply logic and automation to form fields and data within the system. The scope of a business rule refers to the extent to which the rule applies within the Dynamics 365 or Dataverse environment. There are three main aspects to consider regarding the scope of a…
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When to use Classic Workflow & Power Automate in Dataverse & Power Apps

As a solution architect/developer, its very important to find out THE BEST Solution for a business requirement in the era of AI and less-code no-code. Here is a table which explain how to decide when to use classic workflow and power automate. Features Classic Workflow Modern Flow (Power Automate) License Part of Dataverse Feature Power…
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Pass Parent form ID and sellected record ids from a subgrid command button in Model driven power apps

You can pass Parent form ID and sellected record ids from a subgrid command button in Model driven power apps Follow below method. Step 1 : Create a JS Step 2 : Add Command Button & Call JS with Parameter Now open the Model Driven App and Edit Command Bar. Select Subgrid command for Child…
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Xrm WEBAPI Calls as Syncronous sample code using Promise

By default XRm WebAPI are asynchronous and to make this synchronous you can use below code structrure with using Promise. Hope this helps.

Difference between Model Driven App and Canvas App

Here is a list of diferences between Model Driven App and canvas App. Category Model-driven apps Canvas apps Data Source Dataverse only Dataverse + many others diversified cloud and on-premise data sources using connectors Design experience No-code component focused design Manipulation of control properties using Power Fx expressions UI control Limited, predominantly customization Full control…
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Dynamics 365 Scenario Based Questions and Answers Part -1

Here You can download Dynamics 365 Scenario Based Questions and Answers Part -1. Hope this helps.

[Resolved] A duplicate column heading exists while downloading Template for data import

You may encounter the error while downloading Template for data import as A duplicate column heading exists. The root cause is that, your table has multiple columns with same Display Name. Solution: Navigate to your solution/ Default Solution. Open the table all columns and sort by A to Z. Then scroll down to check the…
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Use namespaces in javascript power apps dataverse sample code

var InvestmentEntity = InvestmentEntity || {};InvestmentEntity.ROI = InvestmentEntity.ROI || {}; InvestmentEntity.ROI.AutoPupulateROI = function (executioncontext) {var FormContext = executioncontext.getFormContext(); } InvestmentEntity.ROI.ValidateAmount = function (executioncontext) {var FormContext = executioncontext.getFormContext();var amount = FormContext.getAttribute(“metro_amount”).getValue(); }

How to Free up storage space in Dataverse

You can delete notes, attachments, import history, and other data to free up storage space. Before you delete data, be sure that the data is no longer needed because you cannot retrieve deleted data. There is no “undo” to restore your data once it has been deleted. Follow below articles where the explanation given how…
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[Resolved] Table/Entity not showing in PowerFX command button model driven app

If you are writing powerfx for your command button but not able to find the target entity in your powerfx intellisense then follow below video for solution.

XRM WebAPI Create new record using JavaScript in model driven app form command button

Here is a sample code which creates a child record from a command button on parent table form. This code is called from command button so you need to pass Primary Control parameter to javascript. Hope it works.

Send Email with from Dynamics 365/ Dataverse using Power Automate with Email Message & Activity Party

Dynamics 365 CE supports sending emails using server side synchronization. In this mechanism you can create an Email Message Record and Use a Bound Action to send the email message. Here No Outlook connector required to send email. Follow the steps below how to create the Flow: Step 1 – Create Trigger Open Power Automate…
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