Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Category: Power Automate

Send Email using Email Templates with Power Automate Flow

You can send emails using Email Templates with Power Automate. Follow the below steps to use email templates with Power Automate. Step 1 – Configure the Email Template Navigate to Advanced Settings in Power Apps and choose Templates -> Email Templates. Create New Email Template with Template Type as Contact and Specify Subject and Body…
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Perform unbound action power automate using Dataverse connector

When you want to call a custom Action (which are created specifically as Global/None) from power automate then you can use Perform unbound action step of Dataverse connector in Power Automate. If you want to call an entity specific custom action you can read this blog. To Call global action from Power Automate follow below…
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Perform bound action in Power Automate and Calling Custom Action from power automate

For some business needs if you want to call a Custom Action process from power automate, you can use Perform Bound Action or Perform Unbound action of Dataverse connector. Read the below post steps to know how to call a custom action from power automate. NOTE You can call Entity Specific Custom Actions from Power…
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Filter records from Dataverse using CreatedOn field using Power Automate

You can use filter criteria to narrow down the set of rows that Dataverse returns using List Rows action using Power automate. Business Scenario: There is a requirement that you only want to retrieve the Loan records where createdon is greater than equal to Aug 1,2022. Solution For the solution, you can leverage the Filter…
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Selected limited columns in List Rows Action of Dataverse Connector using Power Automate

You can use the List rows action to retrieve multiple rows/records at once from Microsoft Dataverse with a structured query either using Fetch XML or OData queries. In the List Rows by default all columns are retrieved if you do not mention the columns you want to retrieve explicitly. if the flow returns all the columns then…
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List Flows as Admin action using Flow management in Power Automate

You can use Flow Management connector to get the history of all flows from an environment for analysis and troubleshooting purposes. Follow below steps to use this connector and specific actions. STEP 1 – Create Instant/ Automated Flow Create an instant flow as trigger manual button click. Step 2 – Add a Connector called as…
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Embed image in word document dynamically using Power Automate from Dataverse

If you want to embed images dynamically from Dataverse Image column in WORD document template using power automate, then this post will help you. Read my previous article to know how to generate QR Code and bar code using power automate and upload in image column in Dataverse. The scenario: We have 2 image columns…
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Generate QR Code/ Bar Code using Power Automate with Dataverse

You can generate QR codes/ Bar codes and store the QR code/ Bar code against a Dataverse record as an image file. Follow the below steps to achieve this business needs. Step 1 : Prepare Dataverse Table with Columns Open Power Apps and Navigate to Solutions and choose your solution with correct environment. Add respective…
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Excel Operation Power Automate Get Records from Excel and Update in Dataverse

Here you will know how to extract records from an excel and insert records into Dataverse table. Follow the below steps. Step 1 : Prepare Excel Sheet with Table Insertion First you need to open the excel with data and insert a table to encapsulate the total record with header row. Now save the excel…
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(Solved) Invalid character in field ‘documentbody’: ‘.’, hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character in Power Automate Attachment Note

While working with Outlook attachments to save as note in Dataverse record, you may face below error. Invalid character in field ‘documentbody’: ‘.’, hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character. To solve this follow below solution. In the Document field assign the converted document. Hope this helps.

Power Automate Flow not running Dataverse trigger

if you have created a Power automate flow with Dataverse connector then you feel the flow will not run. Follow the below solution to make it work. Solution Go to and select Environments. From the environment list click on an Environment and then click on Edit. (Do not click Settings) In the next Edit…
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Power Automate Scenarios for assignment practice

Power automate assignments: Business Scenario 1 Configure a flow to available on-demand as a button to send an email to your manager mentioning the below message in email.Dear ,This is to inform you that, due to health issue I cannot come to office. I would like to work from office today. Please find the details…
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Create record in Dataverse using Power Automate HTTP action

You can create Dataverse records using HTTP action with Power Automate. Follow the below steps. Step 1 : Create Trigger of your choice Here I have taken Instant trigger and passed a Text type parameter to give account name. Step 2: Add HTTP action and use Post verb to create record Add a HTTP action…
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[Solved] File is in locked state SharePoint while working with power Automate

When you are working with File operation in SharePoint using Power Automate, you might get the FILE LOCK ERRORS. here I explained how to resolve. The below error you may get while moving file, deleting file etc. Resolution The resolution for this is to implement loop to check if the lock on the file is…
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Use FetchXML in WEB API using Power Automate with HTTP action for Dataverse and Dynamics 365

In Business scenarios we sometimes require to use Fetch XML to read data from Dataverse or Dynamics 365 CE. In this post you will come to know how to use Fetch XML in HTTP action of Power Automate and call Dataverse or Dynamics 365 Web API end point. Follow below steps. Step 1: Prepare Fetch…
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Take action automatically after approval request timed out in power automate

here in this post you will come to know how to handle Time Out scenarios in Power Automate. Lets take a scenario. Once a loan record is created inside Dataverse you want to raise an approval for Branch Manager and The approval request must be taken action within 3 days else the loan request will…
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Return table from power automate to canvas app using response action

Sometimes you need to return tabular data from power automate to canvas app. This post explains how you can do that. Follow below steps. Here I am calling a third party WEB API and consume response in Power Automate and return result as JSON and bind to data table in canvas app. Watch the video…
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Dynamics 365 CE CRM and Power Platform Complete Syllabus

Here is the Dynamics 365 CE CRM and Power Platform Complete Syllabus.

Power Automate Exception handling using Try Catch Finally

Most of the times when you design a Power Automate flow, you face run time errors due to data issue or environment issues. So this post will explain you how you can handle runtime errors in Power Automate. Follow the below steps to implement TRY CATCH FINALLY BLOCKS in Power Automate. Watch the video or…
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Declare environment variables and use it in Power Automate

You can configure or declare environment variables inside a power apps solution to keep configurable data items or static data items so that you can use the value in other apps such as canvas apps, power automate etc. Here in this post you will come to know how to declare an environment variable and call…
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How to track employee entry and exit using Power Automate

The below apps will tell you How to track employee entry and exit using Power Automate. We can define an instant flow to track employee tracking of timing. Watch the video below to learn more. Hope this helps.

Use filters no-code in Power Automate

While retrieving list items from Share Point you can use OData to filter record. Now in Power Automate you can use visual no-code functionality to build filter. This feature is in experimental so you have to enable the experimental feature first. Open power automate and in the setting icon click View all Power Automate Settings.…
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Get daily reminder from using Power Automate

Login to Power Automate. Click on the Templates option and choose the template “Get daily reminders from your outlook email”. After selection the system will ask for login. provide your credential of and click Continue. Now you will see the trigger as Recurrence and action as send email. Choose the To address and…
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Enable Power Automate Pane inside Canvas App Power Apps

As an upcoming feature now you can enable Power Automate feature inside canvas apps for flow calling from canvas app. Follow the steps to enable it. Step 1 : open canvas app and go to settings Inside canvas app click on Settings menu and navigate to upcoming features. Scroll down all the way to find…
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Send email notification when new file created in OneDrive Business using Power Automate

In this post I will explain about the power automate to configure so that it will send an email notification when new file created in Onedrive business. Follow the steps below: Step: 1 – Configure Trigger Create a new flow and choose trigger as OneDrive and option as When a file is created (metadata only).…
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