Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Author: Sanjaya Pradhan

Use FormContext and XRM in HTML Web resource in Dynamics 365 or model driven Power Apps

As Xrm.Page and parent.Xrm are deprecated, you have to use FormContext object and Xrm object using a different approach. This approach will only be used when you added HTML web resource inside a table form as a component. Follow below steps. The business scenario is given below: “Display different Notice content using HTML web resource…
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Hide show button on security role using JavaScript and ribbon workbench Dynamics 366 or Dataverse

here you will understand how to use Enable Rule to hide or show command button as per security role of current user. Business Scenario: The command button “Create Vehicle” on Student table form should only be visible for salesperson security role and for other security role it should be hidden. Follow the steps below: Step…
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Synchronous call from JavaScript to Dynamics 365/ Dataverse Web API using XML HTTP

If you want to call Dataverse/ Dynamics 365 Web API using synchronous calls with XML HTTP object with JavaScript then use the below code and update your code accordingly. The below code snippet checks if a matching enrollment record exist for the same student and course then alerts message and restricts save operation. This function…
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Convert Images to Power Apps – How to Demo

You can now convert hand prepared form images to a powerful power apps. Lets take an example of below image with some texts and diagrams . Lets see how you can convert this to power apps. Step 1 – Save your image in your local machine prepare your diagram image and scan it or take…
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Convert Figma UI to Power Apps with easy steps

Figma is a powerful app to create mockup screens and prototypes. Now you can easily create Figma frames UI and convert to power Apps. Follow below steps. Step 1 : Create Figma Frame UI login to and create a new Figma design file. But before that you need to generate a personal key. Click…
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Create record in Dataverse using Power Automate HTTP action

You can create Dataverse records using HTTP action with Power Automate. Follow the below steps. Step 1 : Create Trigger of your choice Here I have taken Instant trigger and passed a Text type parameter to give account name. Step 2: Add HTTP action and use Post verb to create record Add a HTTP action…
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Show hide sitemap sub-area in model driven power apps as per table privilege

In model driven power apps, a sub-area can point to a table, web resource, custom page, URL link and dashboard. You can hide sub-areas as per the table privilege or miscellaneous privilege. here I explained about hiding sub area using table privilege. Watch the video to know more.

Append v/s Append To in Dynamics CRM/ Dynamics 365 CE/ Dataverse

Append and Append To privileges are very confusing for all. This article will explain you what is the difference between them. Append and Append To generally deals with the entities that are having a one-to-many (1:N) (Parent : Child) relationship or many-to-one (N:1) (Child: Parent) relationship. Basically appending means when you select a lookup value…
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Xrm.WebApi calls as synchronous in Dynamics 365/ Dataverse

By default Xrm.WebApi methods are asynchronous so you may get some issues in your script logic. SO how to make this synchronous? Change the code to use async and await keywords. The sample code given here. Hope this will help.

[Solved] File is in locked state SharePoint while working with power Automate

When you are working with File operation in SharePoint using Power Automate, you might get the FILE LOCK ERRORS. here I explained how to resolve. The below error you may get while moving file, deleting file etc. Resolution The resolution for this is to implement loop to check if the lock on the file is…
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Conditions Branch in Business process Flow (BPF) for Dynamics 365

In Business Process Flow, you can add conditional checks to add more stages or bypass some stages as per business need. Lets take an example. While capturing loan information for a customer, it needs to be checked the loan amount if its greater than 300k then add more stage to capture more information in BPF.…
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Use FetchXML in WEB API using Power Automate with HTTP action for Dataverse and Dynamics 365

In Business scenarios we sometimes require to use Fetch XML to read data from Dataverse or Dynamics 365 CE. In this post you will come to know how to use Fetch XML in HTTP action of Power Automate and call Dataverse or Dynamics 365 Web API end point. Follow below steps. Step 1: Prepare Fetch…
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Pre-requisites to connect Dynamics 365 CE Dataverse Web API

To connect Dataverse and Dynamics 365 CE Web API from external Apps such as Power Automate, C#, JS etc. you need to collect some information with you. Follow the steps below. Step 1 – Register App in Azure Active Directory The first step is to create an App in Azure Active Directory and copy Client…
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Expected polymorphic value canvas app

if you are getting this error in canvas app that means you are not assigning a correct polymorphic data type. Use the Power FX as given below screenshot Hope this helps. Create a lookup function and assign it.

Update multi-entity lookup using Patch function in Canvas APP with Dataverse

If you are looking for complete article how to perform CRUD operation for polymorphic lookup field value then read this article HERE. You can also use Patch function to send data from canvas app to Dataverse using Patch function from a FORM. use below powerfx. You can use a toggle button to decide what type…
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Polymorphic lookup field Value CRUD operation from Canvas App with Dataverse

You might have used polymorphic lookup field which can hold reference of multiple tables like Customer Data Type which can hold contact or account. SO for this type of complex data types its is not straight forward to handle CRUD operation from canvas app. Let us see here how to Create a record in Dataverse…
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Take action automatically after approval request timed out in power automate

here in this post you will come to know how to handle Time Out scenarios in Power Automate. Lets take a scenario. Once a loan record is created inside Dataverse you want to raise an approval for Branch Manager and The approval request must be taken action within 3 days else the loan request will…
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Open Custom Page from Model driven app Main grid command and pass parameters

In business requirements you need to open custom page on clicking a command button on main grid by selecting one or multiple rows. This post will explain below points. How to Add Custom button on Main grid command bar Show command button if at least one row selected else hide Call JavaScript to open a…
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Show hide command buttons based on table permission in Power apps model driven apps using Power FX

If you want to show hide command buttons as per table permission for a login user then follow below steps. In this example I want to hide the custom command button “Set as Competitor” for the users who has no edit permission on Account entity. So first you need to check the security role permission.…
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Show hide command button based on Field value of the form using PowerFX in Dynamics 365 model driven apps

In these days we are using PowerFX in many of our Power Apps. You can use PowerFX for commanding purposes in model driven apps. In this post I will explain about “How to show/hide command buttons based on field value of the record”. Let say You have Account Form and You want to show a…
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Return table from power automate to canvas app using response action

Sometimes you need to return tabular data from power automate to canvas app. This post explains how you can do that. Follow below steps. Here I am calling a third party WEB API and consume response in Power Automate and return result as JSON and bind to data table in canvas app. Watch the video…
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Dynamics 365 CE CRM and Power Platform Complete Syllabus

Here is the Dynamics 365 CE CRM and Power Platform Complete Syllabus.

Power Automate Exception handling using Try Catch Finally

Most of the times when you design a Power Automate flow, you face run time errors due to data issue or environment issues. So this post will explain you how you can handle runtime errors in Power Automate. Follow the below steps to implement TRY CATCH FINALLY BLOCKS in Power Automate. Watch the video or…
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Immersive business process flow in Power Platform configuration and concept

Immersive BPF can be run independently from Power Automate screen. It not required to embed inside model driven apps. Lets explore the steps how to create immersive BPF in power platform. Step 1 : Create a Immersive BPF from power automate portal Open flow website and select correct environment. Click on My flows option. The…
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Change State of record using Plugin in Dynamics 365 CE

To Change record status of dynamics 365 records use below code. Update your code accordingly to suit your business need. Hope this helps.

Status Change Message Plugin Call in Dynamics 365

When you want to call a Plugin on Status change of a record in Dynamic 365 CE then you should use EntityMoniker. Check the code below and update it accordingly and use in your project. IMPORTANT NOTE While registering message in Plugin Registration tool, you have to add SetState and SetStateDynamicEntity messages . Hope this…
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