Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India


Step By Step : Build and Run Kafka in Eclipse IDE + [ Scala || Java ] + Gradle

As a coder, we are more comfortable with the editor tools (specially Eclipse IDE) for rapid development , build & continuous integration. When first time I was trying to develop some Kafka producer and consumer using Scala, I was wondering if I could setup the same through eclipse to make life easier, however after a…
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REST API Maven Dependency : Jersey + Jetty

Hooooh …. finally !!! After devoting ample number of hours with lots of R&Ds, finally able to resolve the long running dependencies between Jersey and Jetty when developing a REST API. I am posting the article because working and running the REST API with TOMCAT or similar server would be easy but might not with…
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Pass parameters to HTML Web resource

HTML web resource page can only accept a single custom parameter called data. To pass more than one value in the data parameter, you need to encode the parameters and decode the parameters in our page. The example can be found in the SDK folder that can be downloaded freely. The path is sdk\samplecode\js\webresources\showdataparams.htm First we have…
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How to Open Entity or View using URL

We can use URLs to open specific entities and views whenever we requires in our custom applications. The below are the scenarios to open entity forms and views using URLs. NOTE : Use Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm when you open entity forms programmatically within the application by using web resources. Do not use the application, where pages do not have access…
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How to Open Report by using URL

Reports can be viewed by using Dynamics 365 report viewer. But sometimes we need to open a specific report from other applications referring to the report server reports or Dynamics 365 reports. SO for this scenario we can open report using the below methods. We can open a report by passing appropriate parameter values to…
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Open Dialog using URL in Dynamics 365

Dialogs are the interactive processes which takes input from user and process the data and gives output. For many scenarios users run dialogs to achieve required task. Dynamics 365 provides a out-of-the-box command button option called as “Run Dialog” which gives a list of activated dialogs created against the specific entity. There is also a…
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Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Sales App/Module Explained

Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (CE) Sales process is a streamlined business process module to generate potential sales opportunity for the business. The sales module covers starting from Lead generation to invoice and order closure and also involves Goal management in some cases. Watch the video below to learn in practical or scroll down to rad…
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Send Email using C# Code Sample in Dynamics 365

Emails are the mostly used communication media in all types of industries. Microsoft Dynamics has a very flexible way to deal with Email activities. Emails are stored as an Activity record in Dynamics 365 CRM. Any business process, which requires to send emails first creates an email activity record in the system then by email router…
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Dynamics 365 CRM Entity Relationships Understandings

Entity relationship defines how a specific entity record is related to another entity record. In this post we will discuss what is entity relations and details about this topic. We will learn below points in this article, Fundamentals of entity relationship Relationship V/s Connections Types of Entity Relationships Relationship Behaviors How to create Relationships Fundamentals…
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Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete SharePoint Records using C#

Using Microsoft Dynamics 365, you can use the document management capabilities of Microsoft SharePoint from within Dynamics 365. You can store and manage documents in the context of a Dynamics 365 record on a SharePoint Server, and leverage the SharePoint infrastructure to share, manage, and collaborate efficiently. Because the documents are stored on a SharePoint…
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Create Outlook Filters using C# in Dynamics 365 CRM

Microsoft Dynamics 365 uses online synchronization filters to determine which records to synchronize between Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Outlook (using Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Outlook), or Exchange (using server-side synchronization). You can modify the existing online synchronization filters or create new filters to synchronize certain types of records. You can also delete, deactivate, or activate…
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Dynamics 365 Outlook Integration Methods

Outlook Integration in Dynamics 365 Introduction One of the most important reason why people use Microsoft Dynamics is to work with all customer communication activities like emails, phone calls, sms on one place. There are two ways we can achieve the integration. ·  Server-side synchronization ·  Dynamics 365 for Outlook Here in this session we…
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What is Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (CRM)

What is Dynamics 365 ? Dynamics 365 is a cloud based software product bundle of Microsoft which targets to solve all Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Engagement (CE) previously called as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) required for any business using one common platform. Previously It was called as Dynamics CRM and Dynamics AX (ERP).…
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Duplicate Detection Rule

This post will let you know how to configure Duplicate Detection Rule in Dynamics 365 system. Here we will learn, Dynamics 365 has a very flexible process of Duplicate Record detection process. We can configure some specific rules against entities by providing the unique columns to identify duplicate record so that while new record creation…
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Javascript Notifications

In this post I will discuss how to show messages on Dynamics 365 CRM form. We have 3 types of messages . Information Warning Errors   Here we will discuss the below points. How to show Information, Warning & Errors on Forms as notification. How to Clear the notifications on demand. How to use field…
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Security Model Basics

Security model of Dynamics 365 is very crucial part of the system. If we will not configure the security of the users correctly then sensitive data will be exposed to unwanted users. That is why it is important to understand how security model works and how to properly configure to meet specific business need. Every…
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Use of Plugin Profiler

Debugging is very essential part of a developers life. Here in this session we will discuss how to Debug Plugin using Plugin-Profiler which comes with Plugin registration tool and its very easy to use to troubleshoot the plugin errors in run-time. In this post We will learn below points: How to Register Plugin using Plugin…
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Working with Rollup Fields

Here in this post we will see what is roll-up field and how roll-up field is configured in Dynamics 365. Here is a list of benefits using Roll-up fields in D365. The benefits and capabilities of roll-up fields include the following: Visual editing is easy. You can create rollup fields by using the Field Editor,…
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Configure Relationship Insight

Relationship Insights leverages the data-integration and artificial-intelligence capabilities built into Azure to combine and analyze the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Outlook data. which continuously analyzes the vast collection of customer-interaction data already stored in your Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Exchange systems, to help you better understand your business relationships, evaluate your activities in relation to…
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Dynamics 365 Training Site

Dynamics 365 Help, Training materials and Support, forums are centrally designed under one website. We can open the portal from within Dynamics 365 application itself. Dynamics 365 provides different help areas. Contextual Help This help area provides help and topics of the related subject matter. For example if you are in account form and want…
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Add Button in Command bar

Here are the steps to add Button in command bar. STEp:1 Open Ribbon Workbench STEp:2 Select the Entity for Editing STEp:3 Drag a Button to Command Bar STEp:4 Modify the values according to your need. STEp:5 Add a Command of Type URl Action STEp:6 Associate the command in Button section STEp:7 – Now Click on…
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How to Setup Ribbon Workbench

Ribbon workbench is most powerful solution to edit Command bars in Dynamics 365. Here we will discuss how to setup Ribbon Workbench in D365 Instance. Follow the steps as below. STEP : 1 – Login to Develop1 Site using the URL : STEP : 2 – Click Download Link and Provide the Information as…
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Create Record using Web API

Here is a sample snippet which explains how to create entity record in JavaScript using Web API in Dynamics 365. To use Web API we have to use URL like below [Organization URI] +”/api/data/v8.1/” Sample Code for Javascript to retrieve account record. var req = new XMLHttpRequest()“POST”,encodeURI(clientURL + “/api/data/v8.1/accounts”), true); req.setRequestHeader(“Accept”, “application/json”); req.setRequestHeader(“Content-Type”, “application/json; charset=utf-8”); req.setRequestHeader(“OData-MaxVersion”,…
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How to create Business Rules

Business Rules are very handy configurable rules and very portable to validate form field visibility setting, Requirement level setting and conditional checking. The core function of Business Rules is to enable business analysts and power users to configure Microsoft Dynamics entity forms and perform actions without writing a single line of client-side code (JavaScript). Business…
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Create Business Process Flow

Here we will discuss what is business process flow and why it is needed and how to develop and configure it by an example. Points to be noted on BPF: Guided Process to get work done Streamlined User Experience for data entry Visual indicator Avoid mistake and Quick process BPF integration with other customization Lead…
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How to Create Actions

Actions are  processes which can be called from other processes like plugins, workflows, dialogs or javascript to do some task or actions. Points to be noted for Actions: Cannot be run On-demand by user Only can triggered by Code or Processes Supports Input and Output Arguments Can be configured to run for all entity by…
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